Submitted by Rachel on Tue, 09/24/2019 - 15:48

When you’re creating a new website for your law firm, having a professional and informative website is important. No matter if you’re creating your firm’s first site or a new site to add to your firm’s portfolio, you need to make sure the site will be profitable. Like any website, your firm’s is supposed to help you generate leads, and ultimately revenue. A well thought out site rather than one thrown together last minute can be the difference between a successful site and one that drains your budget. When creating your new website, think about:

Your Goals

What’s the goal for this site? Are you starting a brand new law firm or are you expanding an already established one into a new area? Are you trying to generate leads in a specific area of law? Figuring out your goals will help you develop a site that can meet these needs. Without a clear goal, you’ll end up spending more time and money on the site down the line.

How to Contact Your Firm

It’s likely that the goal, or one of the goals, of your firm’s site is to generate leads for your practice. To do so, you need to make it as easy as possible to contact your firm. This means making your phone number, office address and/or email easy to find. Your contact or Free Evaluation form should be straightforward and easy to navigate. Testing different Call To Actions can help you establish which entices more visitors to contact your firm or fill out the Free Case Evaluation.


Making a site that is easy to navigate is vital for any successful website, especially disability attorneys who may likely have an older audience visiting their site. Using breadcrumbs and page hierarchy to help potential claimants navigate through your site will make it easier for them to find the information they need. This means every page has a parent page, and isn’t just thrown anywhere onto your site. A parent page can be a resources page, blog, frequently asked questions page, etc.

Be Informative

Claimants often go to firm sites to find answers to their legal questions or to figure out if they actually have a case. Having information on topics that will attract the type of claimants you firm wants can help increase the high quality leads generated from your firm’s site. Different how-to guides or tips for filing claims will help generate traffic to your site. Informative content will then show visitors that you are an expert in the subject, which can help persuade them to hire you.

Adding Quality Images

Images can help improve conversion rates. Avoiding cheap stock photos and using images of your firm and your employees will help potential claimants put a face with your name. It will feel as though they are already building a relationship with you. If you do use stock images, try to use ones that include people, and not just objects. Having someone in the images helps visitors relate more to the image and what the image is representing.

Be Ever-Changing

Once your site is up and running, don’t feel everything is set in stone. Continue testing different Call To Actions, adding informative content, and making optimizations as needed. What might work for your firm’s site right now may not work in a year. Constantly updating your firm’s site will only help increase conversions and leads.

While you work on creating your new site, lead generation can be an easy and cost-effective way to keep the leads flowing. We currently offer Social Security disability, personal injury, workers’ compensation and employment law leads. Give us a call at (617) 800-0089 to learn more about our leads today!

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