Submitted by Deanna on Wed, 03/14/2018 - 16:47

Are your billboards and TV commercials not yielding the return on investment (ROI) you’re looking for? If so, changing your marketing efforts might be able to help. Lead generation can be a great way to increase your firm’s profitability. Whether you’re generating legal leads on your own or working with a third-party lead provider, here are some top ways lead generation can increase your revenue:

Organic Search

Organic search is unpaid traffic coming to your website. If you’re able to increase your organic search, you’ll have waves of free claimants coming to your website, which is a great alternative to toiling over bid adjustments and keyword optimization on Google, Yahoo, or Bing paid ad services. The best part about ranking well organically is once your website is performing well for queries you’ve optimized for, there’s not much work on your end to maintain a steady pace of leads.

The only issue with organic search is that your ROI will be non-existent for at least six months. Organic campaigns are slow to start so you’ll have no return on all your efforts for a long time. Lead generation, on the other hand, allows you to immediately generate revenue as soon as you start investing.

Low Cost Per Case

Lead generation campaigns often have a low overall cost per case, or budget spent on a marketing campaign to sign one new client. You calculate your cost per case by dividing the number of new clients signed by the total spend on one marketing channel. Lead generation is often much less expensive than traditional forms of marketing, such as TV commercials.

It’s important to note that when you’re first starting your own lead generation campaigns, your average cost per case will be a little high as you optimize your campaigns and get staff up to speed. This is not the case when working with a lead generation company—our Social Security disability clients typically have an average cost per case of $300, while personal injury attorneys have an average cost per cast around $500.

Lower Marketing Costs?

When you choose to invest in lead generation efforts from a third-party instead of hiring a marketing team in-house, you’ll often save significantly on overhead and employee costs. Instead of hiring a marketing specialist and paying for your own advertising campaigns, you’ll only pay for contact information from claimants looking for legal assistance. The only staff you’ll need is someone to manage the leads you’re receiving. It’s likely that the intake staff you have on hand will be more than capable of taking over the lead generation screening process.

If you’re considering working with a third-party lead provider, give eGen a call at 617.800.0089. We currently offer high-quality legal leads in the following areas of law:

  • Social Security disability
  • Personal injury
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Employment law

Lead generation is a great way to maximize your ROI because there are very few investments you need to make to get the campaigns running. As mentioned earlier, you won’t need to pay as many staff members to work with a lead provider as you would by running your own in-house marketing campaigns. Additionally, lead generation is a low investment overall—you only pay for the leads you receive, meaning you can set a budget as large or as small as you’d like.

eGen has been a leader in the digital legal lead space since 2009. We’ve sold millions of leads to clients of all sizes, from the solo practitioner with no other forms of marketing to large nationwide companies looking to supplement their current caseloads and internal lead generation efforts. To learn more about our lead pricing and availability in your area, contact us for more information today.

Let's Connect!

If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

Our leads are exclusive so don't delay-Availability is limited.