Submitted by ntd on Tue, 04/14/2015 - 17:23

As a Social Security Disability (SSD) attorney or advocate, your knowledge of the Social Security Disability system is extensive. The same cannot be said for many disabled Americans who would benefit from the same knowledge you possess. When you receive SSD leads from eGeneration, you are being put in to contact with these very citizens, who are most likely ignorant of the procedures and benefits Social Security Disability entails. In order to maximize the value of every lead sent to your office, you will want to ensure that each lead you contact is aware of some basic facts. This blog is designed to make you, the attorney or advocate, aware of some common misconceptions about the SSD application process.

Denial Doesn't Mean Denied

Your SSD leads are most likely not aware that a vast majority of claims at the initial and reconsideration levels are denied. Because of this, they may get discouraged, especially if they have already applied and been denied. Letting your lead know that denial at the initial and reconsideration level is a common occurrence, will make them more willing to seek your legal guidance leading up to their hearing date.

Money Matters

Leads that you contact may be skeptical about hiring an attorney or advocate to prepare their case, but this if often because of misunderstandings on the part of the SSD lead. One common misconception is that there is an upfront cost associated with hiring an advocate or attorney.

If you let your leads know that you will only receive payment after a favorable ruling, they may consider your offer of representation more sincerely. Telling them about the mutual fee agreement, reiterating no upfront cost, and most importantly, stressing that no money will be paid to you if the claim is not successful, will make your potential clients more likely to choose you as a representative.

Benefits of Professional Representation

With approval rates declining for Social Security Disability cases, hiring an attorney or advocate is more important than ever. Unfortunately, most potential clients who visit your office may be unaware that appointing a representative for their case can increase the possibility of receiving a favorable ruling. As an advocate or attorney, you possess the knowledge necessary to effectively present a disability case. Necessary steps such as pinpointing an Alleged Onset Date (AOD), gathering medical records, and preparing them for their hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) are all familiar to you as someone who is familiar with the process, but may be foreign to your SSD lead. When you can breakdown the necessary steps in applying for Social Security Disability, you will more than likely find that a potential client will be swayed to appoint you for representation.

To hear more about educating your lead, feel free to give us a call at 617.800.0089 or fill out a contact form here.

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