Submitted by Deanna on Tue, 08/01/2017 - 13:08

Many law firms and businesses alike see a decline in business during the summer. While there is a slight uptick in workers’ compensation claims, most Americans may simply be too busy enjoying the nice weather or traveling to visit family to consider speaking with an attorney.

Fortunately, there could be an easy and inexpensive option to increase your caseload during the summer. Lead generation services are used by thousands of firms across the company to find high-quality cases. Here are some of the top benefits of using eGenerationMarketing as your lead generation company this summer:

1. Our Plan is Flexible

Our lead generation services are ideal for getting through a low period because you can increase your lead volume for a month (or more) if your other marketing channels slow down.* If you’re interested in signing more Social Security disability cases during the month of August, simply call your Client Services representative and he or she can discuss options to modify your lead campaign to suit your firm’s current caseload needs.

When you purchase leads from eGenerationMarketing, you’re never locked into a contract. Additionally, if you’d like to go on vacation and enjoy the slow period, just give us a call! We can pause your account and schedule you to start back up as soon as you’re in the office.

*Subject to availability, of course.

2. We Have Nationwide Coverage

We are one of the leaders in the Social Security disability, personal injury, and workers’ compensation lead space. We use pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization, and other high-quality sources to generate leads across the country.

If you find that you’re lacking clients in an area as small as a three-digit zip code or as large as an entire state, we can work to “fill in the gaps” with legal leads.

3. Our Leads Are Inexpensive, Especially Compared to the Alternative

Getting through a summer slump can be incredibly expensive for a small or mid-sized firm. For example, one way to increase your caseload would be to increase pay-per-click (PPC) bids for your campaigns. If a personal injury attorney were to increase his average bid by 40 cents and receives 100 clicks per day (a tiny campaign in the competitive personal injury space), he’d end up paying an additional $1,240 that month. The worst part would be he’s not even paying for new clients. Paid advertisements like PPC or PPV ensure someone is directed to your site, but doesn’t guarantee that he or she will actually contact your firm.

When working with a lead generation company like eGenerationMarketing, you’re ensuring that you’re supplementing a slow summer with actual claimant contact information, not a pricy alternative.

Sign More Cases This Summer!

If you usually find revenue is low during the summer, you should consider supplementing your caseload before you lose any more revenue this year. If you’re interested in signing more cases without increasing your in-house marketing campaign costs, give us a call today at 617.800.0089. We’d be happy to discuss our current pricing and availability for our Social Security disability, personal injury, workers’ compensation, and employment law leads.

Let's Connect!

If you'd like to speak with us today about purchasing Social Security, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation or Employment Law Leads.

Call us today at 617.800.0089.

Our leads are exclusive so don't delay-Availability is limited.