Submitted by Nadya on

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so we have one thing on our mind - love. And what’s better than a loving relationship? Now is a good chance to evaluate your relationships, including the one with your firm’s in-house marketing. It’s fantastic if you’re in a healthy and successful relationship, but is it possible you might be in a toxic one? If you find yourself agreeing with any of these statements below, perhaps it’s time to break up with one (or more) marketing campaigns, and find a better alternative!

1. You Feel Drained.

Legal marketing is a stand-alone job that requires time and energy. If you’re putting in billable hours into your firm’s marketing (hours that you as an attorney don’t necessarily have free) and you’re feeling overworked and tired, it’s not a good sign for your relationship’s ability to stand the test of time.

2. Your Marketing is Unreliable and Packed with Uncertainty.

A common legal marketing effort is search engine optimization. SEO helps your websites rank higher organically, which in turns helps claimants find you for free. However, SEO is quite the flirt who’s playing hard to get. It usually takes months or years to build content on your site that could yield any attractive traffic. Therefore, unless you have a team that’s devoted to continually updating your sites with relevant content, your SEO marketing efforts could be unreliable.

3. You Have Control Issues.

Apart from SEO, another popular online marketing technique is paid advertisements. While these campaigns usually generate higher-quality traffic, they’re difficult to manage due to the constantly changing keyword auction. You need someone to regularly monitor the campaign’s keywords, advertisement texts and groups, and landing pages. Otherwise, your PPC campaigns could run awry.

4. You Are Not Yourself Anymore.

The worst relationships make you act like someone you’re not. Remember, you are an attorney, not a marketer, so let your legal expertise shine! Are your individual marketing efforts taking time away from what’s most important to you - representing claimants?

5. You Can’t Do Anything Right.

If your marketing relationship is causing you to become someone you’re not, maybe that’s the reason why you feel like you can’t do anything right. Are you not generating enough traffic to your sites? Are your PPC campaigns too expensive? Is your staff spending so much time creating content for your sites that they don’t have time to fulfill their usual paralegal work? Bottom line: if your efforts aren’t working, perhaps it’s time for a change.

6. You’re Playing the Blame Game.

If your marketing isn’t working, you’re probably starting to blame your staff! If you don’t have the appropriate teams to keep up with SEO, PPC, and web maintenance, it’s probably not your staff’s fault that your marketing strategies aren’t yielding good business.

7. Your High Standards are Lowered.

Perhaps your marketing campaigns are generating claimants, but they have low-quality cases. As a result, you’re fighting to take on any case you can, even if it’s not a case you would like your firm to handle. As you struggle to acquire high-quality cases, you have to settle for less, and subsequently earn less revenue per year.

8. You’re Stagnant.

A good relationship helps you and your business evolve. It’s possible that as a result of your sub-par marketing campaigns, your business isn’t growing. You don’t need to settle for bad marketing because it’s “always been there for you” or “you’ve been through so much.”

Find a Better, Healthier Relationship

If you find yourself relating to any of the statements above, why not dump your current marketing efforts and find a new relationship? You’re not bound for life, after all. Consider trying out a healthy and successful relationship with eGen! When you sign up for Social Security disability, personal injury, workers’ compensation, or employment law leads from eGen, all of your marketing troubles will dissolve.

With eGen, we'll both be on the same page about your marketing goals – high-quality claimants for a low cost per case. Our dedicated SEO and PPC teams generate top-notch leads, and your account manager will always be there to communicate with you and take care of your account. We think we can make a great team together—contact us today to learn more!


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